Carmel Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons

Follow These Key Steps to a Smooth Road to Recovery

Apr 30, 2024 @ 01:32 PM — by Carmel Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons
Tagged with: Recovery Postop

The road to recovery is one of the most important parts of your plastic surgery experience. Of course, you need the time for your body to heal. But, did you also know that your results are still improving during the weeks, and sometimes months, after your surgery?  At Carmel Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeons, we are here for you in every step of your recovery.

So what can you do to enhance your chances of a smooth recovery?

Follow your surgeon's instructions.

    You will be given a detailed list of post operative instructions by Dr. Grasee or Dr. Bergman.  If you find yourself thinking you are an exception to the rule and don't follow the post operative recommendations, such as exercising earlier than instructed or taking a medication on a "don't take" list, think again.  You wouldn't want your surgeon to cut any corners during surgery, so you should not cut any corners in your recovery. 

Prepare for your recovery well before your surgery so you aren't scrambling the day before surgery.

    For outpatient surgery, line up someone who can pick you up and get you to the hospital or outpatient surgery center on time and take you home. Arrange a comfortable place to sleep at home and possibly pre-cook a meal or two in advance if you do not have a caketaker who can cook for you.  If your plastic surgeon asks you to have a caretaker, make arrangements in advance.  If you are responsible for others, such as children or parents or even pets, arrange for someone else to care for them so you can take care of yourself.   

Be patient.

    Healing takes time. Swelling doesn't go down right away, scars are pink while they heal, and your final results may not be evident for weeks or months.

If you have questions, call.

    Sometimes a simple question can touch on a very important issue.

Have realistic expectations.

Patients who are happy with their results overwhelmingly go into surgery having realistic expectations. The better informed you are before your surgery, the more likely you'll be satisfied with the results of well-done operation. Plastic surgeons can't change your genetics, your skin elasticity, or your basic underlying asymmetry.  If you understand what your plastic surgeon can realistically do for you, you are much more likely to be happy with the results of your procedure.

Some patients experience emotional ups and downs during the recovery phase of surgery. This is normal. Express your feelings to your plastic surgeon.  If the final results don't meet your expectations, make sure to discuss your concerns at your next visit.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding what you can expect during your recovery from plastic surgery.

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