Carmel Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons

Winter Blues Got You Down? Give Yourself a Pick-Me-Up!

Jan 21, 2020 @ 09:29 AM — by Carmel Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons
Tagged with: Winter Blues

Winter is in full swing which means we are all sorely lacking in sunshine and warmth. As the middle of winter approaches, it brings with it the very innermost hell of hibernation, overeating, and total lack of physical activity.

If you live here in Indiana, winter puts a serious drag on your normal day-to-day routine.  Here are some tips to perk up your life in the dead of winter.

Give your skin some TLC

There’s no denying that your skin looks better in the summer, with its sun-kissed glow and fresh dewiness (thank you, humidity). There’s also no denying that as temperatures and humidity levels plummet, all that cold, dry air takes a toll on your complexion. That’s why it is the perfect time to up your skin game. Reevaluate the ingredients in your skincare routine and get the pros involved. Talk to Dr Grasee, Dr Bergman or our aesthetician, Kathy Garrison about age reversing facials and the best topical ingredients to use, such as retinol and peptides. After all, who doesn’t feel better when their skin looks good?

Make your environment brighter

When your body is craving more daylight, sitting next to an artificial light—also called a light box—for 30 minutes per day can be an effective antidepressant.

Eat smarter

Certain foods, like chocolate, can help to enhance your mood and relieve anxiety. Other foods, like candy and carbohydrates provide temporary feelings of euphoria, but could ultimately increase feelings of anxiety and depression and result in weight gain.

Simulate dawn

People with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression that usually begins in late fall or early winter and fades as the weather improves, may feel depressed, irritable, lethargic, and have trouble waking up in the morning—especially when it’s still dark out. Studies show that a dawn simulator, a device that causes the lights in your bedroom to gradually brighten over a set period of time, can serve as an antidepressant and make it easier to get out of bed.


A 2005 study from Harvard suggests walking fast for about 35 minutes a day five times a week, or 60 minutes a day three times a week improved symptoms of mild to moderate depression.

Turn on the tunes

Listening to upbeat or cheery music significantly improves mood in both the short and long term.

Plan a vacation

Longing for sunnier days at the beach? Research shows that the simple act of planning a vacation causes a significant increase in overall happiness.

Help others

Volunteering your time by helping others can improve mental health and life satisfaction.

Get outside

Talking yourself into taking a walk when the temperatures plummet isn’t easy, but the benefits are big! Spending time outside even in the cold can reduce symptoms of SAD and lower stress levels.

We here at Carmel Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeons hope you find happiness this winter!!