Carmel Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Oct 8, 2013 @ 10:12 AM — by Carmel Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons
Tagged with: Breast Cancer Breast Reconstruction

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

It is time once again to THINK PINK! At Carmel Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons, Dr. Grasee  and Dr. Bergman not only help women look and feel their best with cosmetic surgical procedures, they help women following mastectomies for breast cancer with breast reconstruction which can be an important next step in a woman's recovery and well being.

Breast Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction procedures vary depending on the results you desire along with your particular situation and other physical and psychological factors. The best decisions are made when based on medical need and personal desires and expectations. Dr. Grasee and Dr. Bergman work with each patient through this difficult time in her life to achieve the patient's reconstructive goals. 

Usually, breast reconstruction requires multiple stages and the surgeons and staff develop a connection with our reconstruction patients that lasts for years.

Fight Like a Girl

We here at Carmel Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons would like to take this time to recognize all our wonderful breast cancer patients and encourage them to continue to "fight like a girl"!!